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Directed By Nicole Hayward



After becoming tired of her life as a waitress Rosie (Julia Krikorian) decides to tell her best friend Emery (Sydney Hayward) she is leaving to go to New York to pursue her dreams of being a writer in the best way she knows how, by writing a letter to her. She hands her the letter and walks out.





Although I had to film this project in the middle of winter it was so much fun! This was the first film that I (Nicole) had ever made so going into it there were a lot of unknowns.  I hadn't met Julia (the actress playing Rosie) before the first day of filming, the coffee shop I filmed at was still open while I was filming so I had to work around that, as well as the fact that I was filming in colour without a 4:3 ratio (which both would be added in post production). Despite everything this experience really taught me a lot about the craft of film making and encouraged me to continue to pursue the craft. It was also cool to direct my mother and sister. 


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Director's Message 

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The film puts a new edge on a French New Wave film by showing a contemporary story about a young woman who tries to make a change in her life.


The audience of the film is anyone who has a dream and feels that something has been pulling them back from going after that dream. I hope that people regardless of gender, age and race can relate to Rosie’s struggle of wanting something but having to make a difficult decision.

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